WARNING: Rape, drunken incest, craven cowardice
CONTEXT: ~ 1900 BCE Before and after Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, Abraham’s whiny nephew significantly underperforms in the moral department.
Before and after Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed, Abraham’s whiny nephew significantly underperforms in the moral department. In a prelude to the firebombing of the twin wicked cities, Lot offers his daughters to a lustful party crowd for sport, then he does the nasty with the girls two nights in a row.
In an inspiring Bible story that mirrors an even more harrowing narrative in the Book of Judges, Genesis 19 reinforces and doubles down on Sodom's (and Gomorrah’s) unsavory reputation. As this chapter opens, the same two angels represented as Gen. 18’s “composite God” arrive at the city gates of Sodom in the evening.1As luck would have it, none other than Abraham’s nephew Lot is there to greet them. Lot bows and implores them to spend the night at his house, but they initially turn him down. He is adamant, and they end up enjoying an excellent meal at this house.
Meanwhile, the citizens of Sodom have their own thoughts on hospitality. They surround the house and demand that Lot send the two angel-men outside for a homosexual rape fiesta. Lot goes outside and tries to talk them out of it. He offers instead his two virgin daughters and tells the Sodom party crowd they can “do what they like with them.”
All he manages to do is aggravate the Sodomites even more, and they begin to threaten him. Comments are made suggesting Lot is an undocumented alien in Sodom, one who now presumes to judge his hosts. Luckily the angels are able to pull him back inside and close the door. They also take the precaution of striking the Sodomites blind.
YHWH's representatives have apparently seen enough of the people of Sodom and inform Lot that he should gather his sons, daughters and fiancées and prepare to leave town. At dawn, he leaves with wife and daughters. Lot – who seems to be a bit of a professional victim – hesitates, and the angels have to lead him to safety. He is told to flee to the mountains and not look back.
The angels rain burning sulfur down on Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the other cities of the sinful plain. He/they wipe out all the people and vegetation. Lot’s wife looks back and she is turned into a pillar of salt.
At his encampment, Abraham arises the next morning to see smoke coming from the devastated plains. Meanwhile, his nephew Lot and daughters leave Zoar and settle in a cave in the mountains. At some point, his daughters grow weary of living in the cave, and also realize that with their former fiancées now fried, there is a serious shortage of men. Plus, Mom is a pillar of salt, so Lot is probably a little lonely. The elder of the two suggests to her sister that they get Dad drunk on wine and have sex with him while he is inebriated.
On successive nights, the daughters ply Lot with wine and get to know him in the Biblical sense. Both of them become pregnant as a result. The older daughter has a son named Moab, who becomes the father of the Moabites. The younger bears a son named Ben-Ammi who is the forebear of the Ammonites. It will be more than five centuries before the Israelites escaping Egypt will come into prolonged conflict with both of these peoples, who have also settled in the interim in the Promised Land.
_______________________________ NOTES_________________________________
1. In Genesis we are dealing with El, the God of the Canaanites. He is often found in anthropomorphic form and takes a human form in many of the stories.